YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri Cevapları

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YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri Cevapları

Edit: [su_button url="https://www.akademikmecmua.com/2019/03/12/2019-6-yokdil-sinav-sorulari-ve-cevaplari/" target="blank" style="stroked" background="#b6140b" size="4"]2019 6. YÖKDİL Soru ve cevaplarını İndir[/su_button]

  • İLK 20
    2.neither consumes nor pays
    3. while
    4. examined
    5.spefically children
    6. too low to circulate
    7.even though -proteins, carbonhydrates
    8. because
    9. inaccurate
    11.carry out functions
    12. is/is found
    13.have believed / was (once)
    14. think / will be
    15. the reason why
    16. recently
    18. diagnosed with / shortness of
    19. despite
    20. as well asCLOZE 1.

    CLOZE 2.
    1. speculative
    2. taught
    3. was republished
    4. never accounted/ couldn’t account
    5. respected


    1.passage is mainly about the inadequacy of tuberculosis tests
    2.in order to diagnose TB, practical, affordable, correct methods
    3. it may be difficult to distinguish symptoms of HIV and TB

    Celiac Disease
    1. the disease is hereditary
    2.the cause of the diseases can’t be determined
    3.the disease can be diagnosed after solid foods are given

    Bullous keratopathy
    1.blisters relive the discomfort
    2. ( swelling sorusu) Salt/saline solution is applied
    3. Cornea is replaced with corneal transplantation

    1. Prior to 19th century, untrained people treated skin diseases
    2. physicians played significant part in making dermatology a separate field
    3. dermatology field still continues to develop

    1.( in the early stages of Alzheimer) patients can’t remember new memories
    2. (The passage is mainly about) a new method for retrieving new memories
    3. the light method may be used in the future in Alzheimer patients

    Cümle Tamamlama
    1. (moderate chocolate benefits) Due to antioxidants
    2.(In addition to stressing health benefits of exercise), researchers emphasize ……. harm caused by inactivity
    3. unlike women………….. ( testosterone in men ….)
    4. (Cough medications can allergic reactions) so it is important to read labels
    5. Zika virus ………….., when the disease ……
    6.Although pregnant women use antidepressants , they can cause birth defects.
    7. (Reconstructive operation help function and appearance of nose) when they have trauma or …
    8. Cardiac cells don’t die immediately, if the patient is taken to hospital
    9. ( Brain ceassation.. is actepted as indicator) that brain functions

    Paragraf Tam.
    1. three or four cups of coffee moderate effect on colon cancer and a cup of coffee
    2. now doctors believe that fever doesn’t require treatment (bu soru olmamış, en iyi seçenek bu gibi)
    3.Then, these waves ……………………… protons

    Roma Rakamları
    2 tane II ve diğer seçeneklerden bir tane.
    1. Tüm pasaj “anger” dan bahsediyor I elenir.
    2. Food poisioning elenir sanırım III olmalı
    3. İçinde another olan II elenir.

Kaynak: Ankara Dil Akademisi
