YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Cevapları
YÖKDİL Fen Bilimleri Cevapları
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İLK 20
1. By (2065) (cümlesinde will+V1 simple future tense vardı)
2. Because (Moon rocks ile ilgili cümle)
3. nearly (7 million …)
4. in David Bohm’s Quantum theory / arise …. from ….
5. while (although anlamında sorulmuştu)
6. run out of
7. visible (to the naked eye)
8. too slowly (to be useful…)
9. prevents (sunlight)
10. (…. Reduce energy) consumption
11. has been known / have
12. Together with
13. Neither / nor
14. Whereas
15. in addition to
16. has discovered /uses
17. Since (1979) (Cümlede present perfect tense vardı)
18. …. provided that (an individual with that copy survives and reproduces…)
19. which (are finite … )
20. published / rewrote
1. (matter) discharged (by…)
2. Released (kelime sorusu)
3. However
4. (convert ….) into
5. (…. Conditions) where (+SVO)
1. Until
2. (Alchemists) who
3. (…. how) to transfer
4. (persist) in
5. Athough
Anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulma
1. Newton ile ilgili paragrafta – 5
2. Nasa -Bennu ile ilgili paragrafta – 2
3. Brain ile ilgili paragrafta – 1
4. Neurons ile ilgili paragrafta – 3
5. Electric conduct eden materyaller – 4 (3 ve 5 insulars ile bağlanıyordu)
6. Genetic counselling paragrafında – 3
Paragraf tamamlama soruları ( yarısı doğrudan referans kelime ile bağlanıyordu)
1. These areas
2. This variability
3. This heghlights
4. The Ancient Greeks imagined … (sonrasında …”further imagined” vardı)
5. The signal received
6. Until the early 1990s, the internet was used by researchers, academics …
Paragraf konuları
1. Biological psychology
2. Weather forecasting and computer models used
3. Jaws and teeth of the human beings
4. William Lemessurier’s building CitiCorp Center
5. Dead reckoning – sextant – modern ways of navigations like GPS
Kaynak: Ankara Dil Akademisi
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